Friday, November 18, 2011

What am I doing tomorrow?

My friend asked me as one writer to another, what am I doing tomorrow?  Writing J

Yeah, I say it with a smile.  Even with the rejections, the long nights and longer weekends at my home computer, I am a writer.  I catch myself at times saying I’m ‘aspiring’, and then I get mad.  Aspiring my arse, I’ve spent serious time plotting, killing off characters, making sweet love, and connecting the dots to bring forth a document of joy.  While I realize some early stuff was a bit on the crappy side, I look at what I’m writing now and feel proud.  I know I am a writer.  I know each day I put words down, I’m improving my craft. 

This week marked the return to my job, and even though each night I was too tired to write more than 100 words, I attempted.  Some of it was a little out there, but at least I worked on it without pushing myself too hard.  29,199 words is the current count on my paranormal romance WIP that I’m working on NaNoWriMo with.  Even though I enjoy the chart feature, the plateau from 13th until today is a little embarrassing. 

You know though, I’m keeping my head up and a smile on my face while thinking of all the havoc I will throw at my characters.  I perhaps won’t finish the 50,000 goal in time, but rest assured I will keep working on this book.  My blog plans for the near future will attempt another Six Sentence Sunday in just a few weeks.  I have more writing links to add in the left hand side ‘Writing Links of Interest’, as well as selecting a snippet for ‘The What She Wrote’ section.  Another 13 days of writing, then I’ll be able to dedicate a day to the blog goodness. 

Break is over, now to head back to my document and allow some words to make magic on the page.  


  1. Best of luck with NaNo! I love that feeling of just KNOWING you are a writer. No aspiring there at all. You just are.

  2. Isn't the point behind NaNOWriMo to get you to throw words on a page? So even if you don't finish that book in one month (honestly I don't see how anyone can that doesn't have unlimited free time and a fully-formed premise) the fact that you accomplished so much is fantastic.
