Sunday, October 2, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday 10

Welcome first timer and repeaters!  This fantastic Sunday, the day of the glorious Jynnipher's Birthday (go see her six Sundays if you haven't yet), offering is below, while the previous contributions are easily accessible by clicking here.  My offering today is not about the Zombies .  Today, I am kicking it to an old school story.  This is what started me to write, the first plot out of my brain that I attempted.  Of course I wrote it once, wrote it again, and now I'm embarking on a third rewrite.  Below is the first six sentences of the work.  It is a Paranormal Romance novel.  Please enjoy and check out Jynnipher's page with many birthday wishes.

It never fails that once I sit down to eat, my father comes in.  I braced myself for the expected snide comments about the fried peanut butter sandwich, oozing on my plate.  Was it my fault I haven’t lived for thousands of years and my only culinary knowledge comes my adoptive family in Tennessee?  He made some sort of comment not in English, and I knew without looking that he was on his phone.  I was too intent on listening to the foreign words that I failed to notice the warm peanut butter sliding out of the sandwich until it coated my thumb and made its way down my palm.  Father mentioned the names Christopher and Daniel once, with several Xan’s mixed throughout the conversation.  



  1. Ooo interesting! Wonder who he's talking to and if he'll say anything about her sandwich.

  2. Yes, very interesting and it highlights that you have to revise your work, I couldn't agree more with that.

  3. Great rererewrite? LOL Thanks for the bday wishes and am eager to see how this version goes. :) ~~Jynn
