Friday, November 18, 2011

What am I doing tomorrow?

My friend asked me as one writer to another, what am I doing tomorrow?  Writing J

Yeah, I say it with a smile.  Even with the rejections, the long nights and longer weekends at my home computer, I am a writer.  I catch myself at times saying I’m ‘aspiring’, and then I get mad.  Aspiring my arse, I’ve spent serious time plotting, killing off characters, making sweet love, and connecting the dots to bring forth a document of joy.  While I realize some early stuff was a bit on the crappy side, I look at what I’m writing now and feel proud.  I know I am a writer.  I know each day I put words down, I’m improving my craft. 

This week marked the return to my job, and even though each night I was too tired to write more than 100 words, I attempted.  Some of it was a little out there, but at least I worked on it without pushing myself too hard.  29,199 words is the current count on my paranormal romance WIP that I’m working on NaNoWriMo with.  Even though I enjoy the chart feature, the plateau from 13th until today is a little embarrassing. 

You know though, I’m keeping my head up and a smile on my face while thinking of all the havoc I will throw at my characters.  I perhaps won’t finish the 50,000 goal in time, but rest assured I will keep working on this book.  My blog plans for the near future will attempt another Six Sentence Sunday in just a few weeks.  I have more writing links to add in the left hand side ‘Writing Links of Interest’, as well as selecting a snippet for ‘The What She Wrote’ section.  Another 13 days of writing, then I’ll be able to dedicate a day to the blog goodness. 

Break is over, now to head back to my document and allow some words to make magic on the page.  

Monday, November 7, 2011

Oh yeah, it is good to be back, and why all writers should play The Sims

 Well it has been a month since my dual carpal tunnel surgery.  Yeah, dual, aka both hands.  Why?  One reason is one round of anesthesia.  Two, because I’m a tough gal.  The funny part, everyone’s initial reaction is, “how did you…manage?”  Yeah, it hurt, but I took care of myself in the bathroom department. 

Anyhow, I’ve been working this week on National Novel Writing Month, aka NaNoWriMo and #nanowrimo for the twitter peeps.  This is my second year participating, friend me if you want, I’m there as laurathejane78 and I’m right on track to complete at this moment.  We’ll see what happens when I start back to my dayjob.  I have confidence though in myself, and so should you.  You never know until you try, and once you try, you will be a writer on nanocrack. 

I was talking to my bff Jynnipher online (start an un-shameless plug to, and we were discussing our WIP for NaNoWriMo.  I, at one point, made my main character Lexi cry, and then I made her love interest temporarily reject her.  I told Jynnipher how it was my own character’s fault for the current situation.  Now comes the part of our conversation why all writers should play The Sims…

“I’m so damn cruel.  It’s like in Sims when I’d put someone in a room without doors.  Lexi (the MC) is waving to me and making a bed sign.  Instead of crossing her legs with the thinking bubble of a toilet, she is making a jerk off motion with a bed in the thought bubble.”

Yeah, now that I think things over, The Sims is awesome to watch the character’s reaction to things.  No matter how hard you try, your person doesn’t stay happy all the time.  They come up with their own wants and desires, which could range from a hot dog, make a friend, or have whoopee.  In writing style, I describe myself as a planned fly by the seat of my pants ( I say both types, since I believe some ppl actually sit down and truly write with no premeditated thought about the end or the plot).  I know the big plot points I want to hit, and sometimes I come up a certain situation I want to include.  When it comes to actual writing, I keep the ideas in my head, but I just let the typing fly unscripted.  Many times I don’t know how I will inflict the specific conflict I thought about ahead of time, until it comes out of my fingers.   So if you’re like me, with a wide open planned structure for your novel, I’d say think ‘The Sims’ and have your character wave their hands at you with their frustration.  Then, in true writer form, make them suffer a bit more.  

Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to cause some more frustration for Lexi and see how much she stomps her feet and waves her arms to get my mind's attention.  Silly girl has not realized that makes me want to cause more conflict yet.  Current word count:  12,222.